About Us
Our Story
Bionics Medical is the leading Regional Medical Company; it is among the first companies in Saudi Arabia that introduce the latest Medical Technology in the Market. Since we started in the Year 2010, our goal has always been to create a unique presence and impact in the market.

About Us
We took the initiative in developing a specific Dermatology Line, as we started to shake hands with highly valued multinational suppliers all over the world by representing them in the field like Wontech (S.Korea), Classys (S.Korea), Abalase (Greece). AMT by Samsung (S. Korea), Dermagenetic by Abacosm (Greece), Eunsung Global (S. Korea), GME (Germany), Genoss (S. Korea), SheNb (S. Korea), Arsimed (Turkey), New Melan (Spain) and Bloom (.
Our Mission & Vision
This gave us a very good outline of the market and in keeping in touch and contact with the key players such as dermatologists, plastic surgeons, and five-star beauty salons with whom we built harmonious and healthy rapport. Our company has been developed and grown too fast that captured a huge upright market share in just a very short time.

What Our Clients Say
Curabitur bibendum lectus eros, a mollis risus egestas non. Maecenas iaculis molestie mauris, nec vehicula ante. Nulla velit risus, sodales commodo dapibus et, finibus ut odio. Maecenas eu velit tempor, hendrerit lorem vel, hendrerit felis. In mauris justo, ultricies ac erat

Donec id augue vitae odio hendrerit aliquet. Pellentesque justo nulla, suscipit sit amet auctor at, sagittis ac quam. Suspendisse rutrum purus velit. Cras at lacus vel diam ultricies eleifend

Mauris lobortis consectetur eros, vel convallis arcu scelerisque sed. Suspendisse elit lectus, scelerisque quis hendrerit sit amet, placerat eget odio. Donec aliquam ante at tortor accumsan posuere. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae